Research and Development (R&D) tax credits can transform your business by rewarding innovation and refuelling growth.
To benefit from R&D tax credits, you must:
Be a limited company in the UK that is subject to corporation tax
In the last three years, has your limited company:
• Developed a new product or service
• Improved an existing product or service?
• Improved efficiencies within your own business?
If you’ve already done this work or are planning to, it’s a no-brainer that you should be thinking about whether you are eligible for R&D tax relief.
Almost every industry in the UK is failing to claim for R&D tax credits it’s eligible for. This may be due to lack of awareness, putting off the perceived form-filling and some even think that as they don’t have men in lab coats conducting research, this doesn’t apply to them

That’s where A4G LLP can help.
Any project that seeks an advancement in knowledge or capability in a field of science or technology, seeks to resolve scientific or technological uncertainties or to improve existing processes all potentially qualify for R&D relief. The project does not necessarily need to have been successful for the claim to still qualify for the relief.
The detail is in the technical report. You need to firstly prove to HMRC that your technical innovation meets the current legislation by writing a ‘technical report’ explaining the innovations you’ve been working on. If you simply submit the costs in a spreadsheet or skip over the technical details of the project, you’re unlikely to be successful.
As R&D specialists A4G LLP are skilled at writing applications and committed to helping you claim back your tax relief, so you can focus on taking your business forward.
There’s more information over on our website about our process of claiming R&D tax credits.
So what’s next?
If you think you are undertaking work which may qualify for R&D tax relief - then you need to find out from us at A4G-LLP
Contact the team or by calling 01474 853 856 to arrange a discovery session where we can quickly identify the likelihood of making a successful claim.
We can then work with you to make your claim, so you can keep innovating and growing your business.

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